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"The most important thing is not to worry and to have comfortable shoes" - the wise used to say. While we unfortunately don't sell peace of mind, we have quite a lot of comfortable shoes. And what's more, they're pretty.

Shoes Galahad
Last items in stock

5 Elements – your larp shop. Shoes Galahad. Universal and versatile.

5 elements e-store – the best selection in Poland! Come and pick something for yourself.

Traveler boots
Last items in stock

5 Elements – your larp shop. Traveler boots.

5 elements e-store – the best selection in Poland! Come and pick something for yourself.

Shoes Jorik
Last items in stock

5 Elements - your larp shop. Shoes Jorik.

5 Elements e-store - the best selection in Poland! Come and pick something for yourself.

Shoes Thor
Available on request

5 Elements - your larp shop. Shoes Thor.

5 Elements e-store - the best selection in Poland! Come and pick something for yourself.

Shoes Godfrey
Product available for orders

5 Elements – your larp shop. Shoes Godfrey.

5 elements e-store – the best selection in Poland! Come and pick something for yourself.

Boots Pirate
Product available for orders

5 Elements – your larp shop. Boots Pirate.

5 elements e-store – the best selection in Poland! Come and pick something for yourself.

Shoes Astrid
Product available for orders

5 Elements – your larp shop. Shoes Astrid.

5 elements e-store – the best selection in Poland! Come and pick something for yourself.

Einhard boots 2nd edition
Product available for orders

5 Elements - your larp shop. Einhard boots.

5 Elements e-store - the best selection in Poland! Come and pick something for yourself.

Johann half-boots

5 Elements - your larp shop. Johann half-boots.

5 Elements e-store - the best selection in Poland! Come and pick something for yourself.

Martin boots

5 Elements - your larp shop. Martin boots.

5 Elements e-store - the best selection in Poland! Come and pick something for yourself.

Tilly High Boot
Product available for orders

5 Elements - your larp shop. Tilly High Boot5 Elements e-store - the best selection in Poland! Come and pick something for yourself.

Neverman adventurer boots - split leather
Product available for orders

5 Elements - your larp shop. Neverman adventurer boots - split leather.

5 Elements e-store - the best selection in Poland! Come and pick something for yourself!

Shoes Rolf
Product available for orders

5 Elements - your larp shop. Shoes Rolf.

5 Elements e-store - the best selection in Poland! Come and pick something for yourself.

Nolthe renaissance shoes
Product available for orders
Total products in this category: 14.